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“ We offer you the opportunity to improve and find lost health and a satisfactory recovery. ”

Bioenergetics becomes the instrument or the means that will allow Eastern philosophy and its empiricism to be combined with Western biology and medicine and its scientific orthodoxy.

Acupuncture for the Westerner does not mean more than Acus (needle), puncture (puncture), being, therefore, an empty term, exempt from any scientific basis.

For the Oriental, the term Acupuncture encompasses a series of laws and principles that allow him to understand man as an energetic entity subjected to the influx of energies that come from Heaven and Earth (his geocosmic environment) and therefore susceptible to variations in the same.


Anti-Aging Medicine

In this branch of medicine we treat: Acne, Cellulite, Eye Contour, Stretch Marks and Scars, Localized Fat, Hydration, Hyperpigmentation, Firming, Rosacea, Botox and Fillers.

oriental medicine

Another of our specialties and one of the ones that we are most passionate about, here we offer you attention in: Acupuncture, Cupping, Electroacupuncture and Auriculotherapy

regenerative medicine

We know how important it is to live without pain, that's why we offer you care in Pain Prevention and Chronic Pain.

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I provide effective, safe and scientifically proven solutions. Non-invasive, painless treatments, without side effects and with immediate corrective results.  effectively and in a 100% personalized way facial and body aesthetic diseases such as skin aging, localized fat, blemishes of melanin origin, hair loss, sagging skin, cellulite, stretch marks, acne scars, etc. .

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Una ventana hacia tu Salud

"Florecer exige pasar por todas las estaciones".

Javier Ramirez

Training and Professional Career

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